Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Funday

My older brother John Michael used to have what he called "Sunday Fundays." His friends would all come over in the late afternoon on Sunday and make hotdogs by the fire pit and listen to music or just hang.
My Sundays were always different than JM's. Where he had fun, I hated them. Sunday was the last day of the weekend. In other words the day I HAD to do my homework. Sundays also meant another five days of school straight, and I hated school, so that put a blanket of anxiety on my Sundays.
Today was a great sunday though, lately I have been kinda down for no reason besides the fact that I just was. But today was different. I went to the early service and learned about God's heart for the poor, and then I got to help with the middle schoolers the second service. AND I got to play flag football (and for those of you who have seen my sports ability, you guessed right, I am not so great) but it was so fun just running around on an absolutely BEAUTIFUL Sunday here in SC. I was just blessed by a church that takes me in and lets me help and have fun while helping.
So today on my way home from church I was thinking about the different ways me and my brother viewed our Sabbath day. I think he spent his well, whereas I used to spend mine being dumb and dreading the week.
Being at CIU means that I have to take Sunday as a Sabbath day. I don't exactly know what Sabbath means, however, I do know that I'm not allowed to do homework and I am supposed to rest. In the past I have viewed this Standard as a blessing or as a curse depending on how much homework I have to do. But lately it has been a blessing and a challenge. A blessing in the fact that I have a day to do the things I put off during the week. Such as clean my room (eek), read a book for fun, hammock, take a nap, watch a movie, or think and journal and read my Bible and really just talk to God. How sad is it that I let my schooling, at a Bible school mind you, get in the way of my relationship with God. Dang.
So I sit in my currently not so neat room, trying not to worry about tomorrows workload, or the next few weeks workload, but find joy and peace in the Lord. I also decided to start this blog. I am not a writer, and clearly Im not very good at verbalizing my thoughts coherently. But anyways enjoy your Sunday. Psalm 118:24


1 comment:

  1. Hey Corrie! Hooray, I'm so glad that you're blogging! Miss you and love you! Glad you spent your Sunday resting in the joy and peace of the Lord!

