Somewhat of a brain dump.
start with picture recap. mostly this semester. some are from last sem. though.
I got messy.
I had a bunny in my room. no comment.
I acted like I was 5 multiple times.
I ate wayyyy to much junk food.
I went deep sea fishing.
I went on a not so much ski trip.
I became a Sith lord.
I had an absolutely amazing roomate. seriously she rocked. also if she wasn't graduate and getting a new roomate (Jay!) I would totally room with her again. Also we had a great RA whom we messed with wayyyy too much. :)
Regan got a 1 eared goat named fanny. she was obstinate.
swine flu.
fun friends.
I feel a little bad about not writing all semester. It isn't that life didn't happen, or that there weren't times I wanted to write things down. I was just lazy. :) I'm not sure I have much to write down now, I just want to write.
I am trying to love being here and not just try to feel rushed and sad because I go to camp in less than two weeks. I am going to be a lifeguard again at Camp Rockmont which is hopefully going to be a great as last summer.
I cannot believe that I am halfway done with my undergrad. when this was high school, I was done with Myrtle Beach High School and off to The Academy for the Arts, Science and Technology.
I am now was of this semester a psych major, which is great. The classes are great and I hope when I get back my grades reflect that. bah...I hate waiting for grades. forreal.
When I was ages 9-13 we lived at 124 Carlton Rd. My mom like the house numbers b/c you start with 1 and then 1+1 is 2 and 2+2 is 4 is 124 :). We lived in Savannah, GA but on Wilmington Island it was great. The neighborhood pool was around the corner and I did swim team there. Some days I would run there barefooted and try to sprint to where the trees shaded the pavement so my feet didn't burn in the summer heat. We had a big backyard with bamboo past the fence and a ditch past that, it was great. I loved playing house with my siblings. Especially something like Little House on the Prairie. We would pick our ages, usually really old like 14 or 17. If we all wanted to be the same age we were somehow twins born at exactly the same time. haha. I was thinking about this on my birthday. I was 20, 10 years ago I was 10 strange. In the past 10 years I have lived in two cities, gone to Puerto Rico, had many crushes, been skiing, passed out from a shot, embarassed myself more than I thought possible, gone to 6 schools, added a Lottie to the family, got a dog, got rid of a dog, gone to 3 camps, tried theatre, dance, step team, swim team, winterguard, ap chem, been undecided, been comm. now psych. well basically a lot...
I'm pretty sure I thought it would be different. I thought I would be different. I thought 20 would look like super smart and cool and collected (bahahahahaha), I thought new people wouldn't make me feel awkward, I thought I would probably be dating (p.s. God totally knows what he is doing w/this one. forreal). but there are things that I didn't think I would be that are awesome. A lifeguard, A Psych and Bible student, liking math and science! oh and God has blessed me with rockin friends.
I'm okay with how things are for the most part... it is just strange to realize time has passed and knowing I cannot just go back to wilmington Island and be at 124 Carlton Road. I mean if I did that the people who live there now would be a little freaked.
All this to say I really want God to move in my life and in our relationship these next 10 years. I want the doubt to dissipate and trust to be there. I want to be able to say On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand. I want to be able to say that I am a child of God. In the past 10 years I have learned that I am not as smart as I thought I was. That I don't have as much control as I wished. I could tell a lot more stories... or write down things I had been thinking lately, however, I don't know how much you would want to read. assuming people read this. But if you think of me at all especially this summer...I ask you to pray that I fall in love with Christ. That I know my relationship with Him is there. and that I can say of this I am convinced.
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