Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside...

This line from "Great is Thy Faithfulness" popped in my head as I tried to think of a title for this blog. I typed in that one line and the wonderful world wide web showed me it was from this hymn. I love the irony/truth of how great God's faithfulness has been.

A little less than two weeks ago I was so excited. I had a roommate for the year. Classes were all registered for. I got my notebooks and put labels for classes and had all my supplies (this is of course a necessity for a nerd like myself). Well... that was until wednesday...

I got an email on wednesday from the Ben Lippen House Parents of house 2B asking me if I was still interested in interviewing for the Assistant House Parent job. I just sat at my computer dumbfounded yelling for my mom, who answered yelling back from the upstairs annoyed that her 20 year old daughter cannot just get up from the computer and go talk to her. This email completely messed me up for a few hours. I called lots of friends for advice. I didn't know if I could do the job. I had my plans! I had 18 credit hours! I have my babysitting job! I want to keep my friends! etc.

Well I decided to say yeah I would interview. So then they wanted to see me and I was like "dang it, now I have to go to school even earlier." So I packed up my car a day early and drove down and met the Porters for dinner. It was AWESOME. They are a young couple with two little boys who are one and three, and seriously it was just awesome and I was asked to fill the position. I said "yes" and in my head I was saying "wait a second, I said yeah, this changes everything, I'm committed, okay!" Well then I find out that I need to get references, and an interview with the resident director and a background check. I was like dang it! I wanna unpack my car!

So I was staying with a friend b/c I couldn't be in a dorm and I couldn't be in 2B. Well I ended up staying there a week.... now for someone like me who worries and also likes to be all set up for the first day of school and have my meal plan set and my backpack ready and clothes laid first week was picking my clothes out of my car, cooking for myself and grocery shopping, sleeping in my sleeping bag (and in a bed 2 nights thanks Regan!) and occasionally getting locked out of the apt. So not what I had in mind.

Well come friday I am way antsy so I go to Ben Lippen Office and wait as the lady does my background check. :) I just sat there and waited. Sometimes I can be sassy in a very polite way. Then after 7 days of anxiously waiting to get in I get to move in! I move in and start learning names and it has been so so so much fun. I have made popcorn in a wok and cooked and laughed and heard a lot of chinese and korean. It is incredible.

Last spring I wanted to be an RA, I got through all three rounds just to not get a position. I wanted to be Junior Class President (well I mostly wanted it). I didn't get this job (until 5 months after I applied). God's ways are so much higher than mine. I am loving this so much more. I get to live with 8 chinese, 4 korean, 1 American (missionary kid from mexico) and 1 Indian (missionary kid from Trinidad). It is so cool to hear them speak their native tongue (but I'm supposed to make them speak english).

Thanks Jesus, this is awesome

:) cd

1 comment:

  1. Awww Corrie!!!
    I was JUST thinking about you today and wondering what you were doing this semester because I remember you applying for this job but I was not sure if you had gotten it!
    I am so happy for you that it worked out and that you are loving it so much!!!
