Sunday, July 11, 2010

camp so far. random update

I have really been enjoying camp this year. It has held many different experiences. Some really good and some really sucky. I have loved dancing. I love that boys here just dance. I mean that may sound like silly and like it couldn't happen, but it totally does. Dances break out.
I am loving the waterfront staff and being with people really different from me and also being around all of rockmont's staff is so much fun because everyone is so different.
Right now there are three hammocks set up outside of my porch. we may all end up sleeping here for all i know. camp is funny like that. you really don't know what will happen next or what adventure or hardship is around the corner. I think it is the same with life, but at a little bit of a slower pace.
I am starting to get tired though. I need to sleep more. yep. probably a good idea. this session we have 382 campers. it is crazy awesome. the energy is wonderful. my family comes in two weeks i am veryyyy excited.
fun fact. i haven't talked to my family much this summer. and by fun fact i meant i am a lame dorman.
you know what is fun? lying to campers. my ankle has been bothering me this summer and i made a brace out of medical tape and duct tape and a kid asked what was wrong so i told him my foot fell off and i taped it back on. i don't think he believed me but he sure as heck was confused.

pray for me to be encouraged in my friendships here.
pray for me and jesus would be undeniably tight.
pray that i would reflect Jesus well.
honestly just pray for me.

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