I used to love to read. When I was younger I once had a friend come in town and I was so into the book my mom had to make me put it down to hang out with her. It as actually pretty pathetic because she was my best friend. Now I didn't usually ignore people for books, but this was a really good book. In middle school I got the big prize because I had 200 AR points. (I read children's books to get enough points). Not like I was the highest reader of the school, but they had these prize boxes for different levels. In high school I got reading awards and it was awesome. I think I got some gift card or something.
Once we were visiting John Michael's work when I was a senior. He worked at the Starbucks on Gervais, this is a picture from that visit. Seriously, I loved reading.
Then I got to college. I began to read the absolute least I possibly could. This was probably due to how much I had to read for classes and my own laziness. So on breaks or vacations I will still read, but not usually my books I have goals to read, usually just silly novels. But over the last two and a half years I have had a stack of books that I really haven't gotten to at all, and it has just grown.
I always bring a stack of books to camp. At best I read one. The girls I lived with this summer read like nobody's business. They are awesome. Lindsay, Margie and Sellers had the love for reading that I had lost. They challenged me. I still didn't read a ton, but I actually wanted to.
I had a desire to read, but when I would read I wasn't loving what I was reading. But I really think that God has some changes in mind. I was at Passion 2011 (so many thoughts on that, I would love to talk about later) but anyways, around 11:30 at night I was sick and I was getting out of my family group. So I was in a hurry. I went to buy this all access card thing, there was this adult looking at a book, I say adult b/c the majority of us were college students and this guy was clearly a leader for a group. This book he was looking at was on sale of this specific day of the conference. It was only $10 and it was the last one. I waited behind him and when he set it back on the table, I quickly asked if he was going to purchase this book, he said no so I grabbed it and proceeded to the checkout. I had no plans of buying this book before I did, however, I am happy about this last minute decision. I still have no idea why this book was still there that late at night. Piper had spoke that evening and this was his new book. It is titled Think.
So today as I started this new book, I got this love for reading again. I felt a deep urge to learn and read, really this had been building for awhile. What was funny is that what i have been thinking about lately is exactly what the book I started today was about.
So I made some goals. five books I want to read this year. here they are.
1. Think by John Piper
2. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
3. The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
4. The Reason for God by Timothy Keller
5. Crazy Love by Francis Chan
There are many more books in my stack of books by my bed, but these are the ones I think I need to read first.
I wish I could explain in words just how much I didn't intend to get this book and then did and how it was more at the bottom of my stack, but I randomly picked it up. I got a journal for writing down quotes, I only read 10 pages and it was just so so good. Anyways, I haven't had them much drive for something in awhile. :)
anyways, have a good evening.
Persuit of God= A+!
ReplyDeleteYour blog= A+!
love you lots Miss C.D.
I didn't even know you had a blog!!!! Yeah!