Monday, September 29, 2014

Corrie Dorman...School Counselor?

I'm the new long-term substitute part-time school counselor, but you can call me Corrie.

This is how I introduced myself to the staff at MVE through email. I haven't really written in awhile, but I figured I should write some sort of update. I am in my final semester of graduate school. The plan is that I graduate in December. I sure hope that happens because the ring I ordered is gonna say '14 on it. I recently got hired for the position above at a local elementary school. Things are slowly coming together. For example. I now have a mailbox, an official email address, an office, keys, an ID, and a blurb introducing me in the school newsletter. I don't have the ability to print in my office, voicemail set up, or computer dock. So basically I work, but parents don't contact me much yet. This will change soon b/c of the whole newsletter thing! yay!

ALSO: How great is this picture!?!! I am one of those annoying people who hates pictures of myself. But hello! I think this one is great! AND I GET TO WEAR IT AROUND MY NECK EVERYDAY. So basically that says "yeah I may look like this today, time I took this here photo."

So if you are reading this and you are like, "wait Corrie aren't you a full time student and doing an internship?" The answer is yes. So now I am a full time student and in the schools everyday, so basically working full time. So for those of you wonderful people who love to tell me "enjoy it before being in the real world." No. no I will not. I would like to be in one please. However, I am working to learn everything I can now and enjoy this phase and not just wish for December. 

Fun fact: I am helping with the youth group at my church. Corrie Dorman, Youth Leader. 

So please pray for me to enjoy this final semester. 
For me to finish well. 
For me to do well on my Comprehensive finals (Oct. 10-24).
For my stress level.

I will leave you with a few of my favorite things that children have said to me lately. 

"You look like a teenager."

"My sister who I am pretty sure is younger than you is already married and is about to have a baby. " 

"Do you have a drivers license?" - child 1
"Yes...are you trying to figure out how old I am?" - me
"yeah" - child 1
"Dude she went to college she isn't a teenager!" - child 2

"How old are you?"

"Do you have a husband or a boyfriend?" - child A
"I am not married." -me
"are you engaged?" - child B
I hold up my left hand to indicate that I have no engagement ring, so no. 
The entire class including myself erupts in laughter

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