Thursday, November 19, 2009

God's Sense of Humor

God has this awesome way of humbling me/ doing things that could only be "God Things" at very ironic times.
So I had this assignment for wednesday to do a Bible Study on Philippians 4:10-20. Of course I didn't even start to plan the bible study for my class until Tuesday, and then actually work on it Tuesday night.
Well throughout planning it, and talking to my Dad I come to the conclusion that contentment is the theme of those verses. So as I am planning my Bible study I begin to be anxious about the week and the more I study and plan the more I am convicted about this. So I just decided to trust God and be content in him.
At the end of my teaching time all of my group made bracelets to remind us that we are called to be content in our circumstances and we can do this because God strengthens us to do so AND he is the supplier of all of our needs!
But funny thing is WEDNESDAY night was a roller coaster of events and every time I really started to freak out or become dissatisfied I saw my bracelet. Little did I know that the whole bracelet idea was for me to remember and not my group.
So anyways I honestly doubt that my teaching the group had much to do with my fellow students learning this truth as much as it had to do with me learning this truth. God has such a funny way of teaching me things.

"Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen" Philippians 4:20 NASB

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